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As a person supported by A Helping Heart, Inc., I am entitled to the following rights:


  • I have the right to be treated with dignity and respect, free from any type of abuse (physical, verbal, emotional, sexual).


  • I have the right to have staff make fair decisions about my treatment and care in order to maintain privacy.


  • I may not be treated unfairly due to race, national origin, sex, age, religion, disability, or sexual oreintation.


  • I must not be made to work.


  • I have the right to make my own decisions with community and social interaction events.


  • I may use my money as I choose.


  • I may not be filmed, taped, or photographed unless I agree to it.


  • I have the right to take part in the planning of my care.


  • I have the right to live in a safe environment.


  • I have the right to not have my belongings searched without permission. Including the right to receive mail unopened.


  • I have the right to have personal possessions.


  • My records and files will be kept confidential.


  • I have the right to participate in or refuse any religious activities.


  • I have the right to receive all my prescribed medications on time, and in the right dose prescribed. I also have the right to refuse medications.


  • I have the right to receive prompt and adequate treatment.


  • I have the right to advocacy assistance, including private meetings with my service providers (staff or house coordinator), Program Manager, support coordinator (broker), or an outside agency. One agency is:


Disability Rights Wisconsin

131 W. Wilson Street, Suite 700

Madison, WI 53703

(608) 267-0214


Questions/Complaints - If you believe that your rights have been violated, you may contact A Helping Heart, Inc. directly or the Wisconsin Department of Health Services. You will not be retaliated against for reporting a violation of your rights. If you have any questions, want more information, or wish to file a complaint with us, please contact by phone, or by mail:


Joy Coyne

4921 Ridgeview Rd

Barneveld, WI 53507

(608) 924-1691



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